User Agreement
Public contract-offer for the sale of goods the online store "BiZarre-collection", the "Seller", publishes a public offer for the sale of goods on the official website of the Seller
1.1. In accordance with st.426, st.435 and Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Civil Code) This document is a public offer and in case the conditions set forth below Buyer producing acceptance of this offer, the Seller shall pay for the goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code, payment of the goods by the Buyer is an acceptance of the offer, which is considered equivalent to the conclusion of the Agreement on the terms set out in the offer.
1.2. Based on the above, carefully read the text of the public offer, and if you disagree with any item of the offer, you are invited to abandon the purchase of goods or use the services offered by the Seller.
1.3. This User Agreement enters into force immediately after the Customer agrees to the terms of this Agreement by the user clicks "I accept" during the registration.
1.4. In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings:
"Offer" - a public offer to the seller, addressed to an individual (citizen), to conclude an agreement with him on the existing terms and conditions contained in the Agreement, including all of its applications;
"User" - any person who accept the terms of this Agreement shall be registered in accordance with the requirements and start using the capabilities of Internet shop.
"Buyer" - by a natural person who has entered into contract with the Seller on the terms contained in the Agreement;
"Acceptance" - full and unconditional acceptance by the Purchaser of the Contract;
"Goods" - a list of product names on the official website;
"Order" - the individual items of the assortment list of goods specified by the Buyer does the application on the website or through the operator;
"Operator" - an employee of the organization, provide the buyer with information and consulting services to design pre-order goods;
"Shop - Online resource owned by the Seller, located at, where goods are presented, as well as other essential conditions for the sale of goods;
1.5. Relationship between buyers and sellers since the moment of acceptance are governed by the following documents and regulations:
Are public-contract offer for the sale of goods in online store;
- Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
- Law Of the Russian Federation 07.02.1992 №2300-1 «On Protection of Consumers' Rights;
- Decree The Russian Federation of 19.01.1998 №55 «On approval of rules for the sale of certain products, a list of durable goods, which are not covered by the buyer on donating to him for the period of repair or replacement of the like product, and a list of non-food products of good quality, not be returned or exchanged for a similar product of other sizes, shapes, dimension, style, color or configuration ";
- Decree Government of the Russian Federation on September 27, 2007. №612 «On approval of rules for the sale of goods remote way";
- Decree Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1997 №918 «On approval of rules of sale by sample";
- The Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 №152-FZ "On Personal Data".
2.1. Internet shop is owned by the Seller and is designed for remote method of selling products through the Internet.
2.2. Internet store does not require special action for the Buyer's use of the Internet - shop to view the goods, calculation and ordering, such as registration or conclusion of a contract for the use of a resource the Internet - shop.
2.3. Internet shop is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when ordering.
3.1. The buyer responsible for the accuracy of the information during the ordering process, and its freedom from claims of third parties.
3.2. The buyer accepts the conditions laid down by this Agreement, by putting a mark in the box "I accept the terms of the user agreement." Buyer hereby certifies that the conditions of a public contract they have read and understood.
3.3. Using resource Internet - shop to browse and select the goods, as well as for ordering is for the Buyer free of charge.
3.4. Goods purchased by the Buyer exclusively for personal, family, household needs not related to business activities.
4.1. The seller sells goods in accordance with the current price list published on the website of the Seller and the Buyer shall pay for and accept the goods in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
4.2. The seller will cover goods in accordance with the prices listed on the site. The price of goods or services is determined by the Seller.
4.3. This Agreement and its annexes are official documents of the Seller and an integral part of the offer.
5.1. Buyer can place an order on their own online internet - shop or through the operator at the numbers listed on the site, under the terms of the contract (public offer internet - shop).
5.2. When ordering online - shop, the Purchaser is obliged to provide information about yourself: Full name; address for delivery of the goods; telephone number and e-mail the buyer of goods.
5.3. Desire of Buyer achieved by making the latest relevant data in the order form in the online-shop or through the operator applying for the Internet - shop.
5.4. When placing an order by the Operator, The buyer is obliged to provide the information specified in Sec. 5.3. of this Agreement. Accepted by the Buyer of this Agreement is carried out by introducing the Buyer the relevant data in the registration form when ordering through the operator. The buyer has the right to edit the registration information. The operator does not change or edit the registration information of the buyer without the latter's consent. Seller agrees not to disclose details of the Buyer, registering on the website and ordering process, persons unrelated to the execution of orders.
6.1. Goods submitted online through graphics-designs that are the property of the Internet - shop.
6.2. Every graphical representation of the sample of text to accompany the information: name, dimension series (if necessary), price and product description.
6.3. All information submitted to the Internet - shop are for reference only and can not fully pass on accurate information about specific properties and characteristics of the goods, including colors, sizes and shapes. Shades of materials in the photo may differ from the actual. In the event the Purchaser issues related to the properties and characteristics of the goods, buyer must before placing your order please contact your dealer by phone listed on the site.
6.4. By the request of the Purchaser operator internet - shop entitled to submit (by phone or e-mail) such other information as is necessary and sufficient from the point of view of the buyer, for its decision to purchase the goods.
6.5. The buyer is notified that buying goods at a discount, established in connection with its flaws (defects), he loses the right to rely on them in the future.
7.1. Methods, procedure and terms of delivery of the goods listed on the website under "About us".
7.2. Transition ownership and risk of accidental destruction, loss or damage to the goods passes to the Buyer upon delivery of goods to the Buyer at the place of execution of the contract.
7.3. In delivery of goods handed over to the Buyer.
7.4. The Buyer obliged to accept the goods in the number and range at the time of acceptance.
7.5. By receipt of goods The buyer shall have the right in the presence of a representative of the Seller (carrier) to verify its compliance with the invoice, to ensure product name in the quantity, quality and completeness of goods. Buyer, upon receipt of the goods shall sign the order of the buyer to confirm with his signature that he has no claims to the appearance and completeness of the goods.
7.6. The Buyer understands and agrees that: implementation of delivery - a separate service, not an integral part of the goods purchased by the Buyer, the implementation of which ends at the time of receipt of the goods and the payment for it.
7.7. In case of providing false information about the buyer's contact information Seller for the improper performance of the Order is not responsible.
8.1. Price goods in the Internet - shop in RUB.
8.2. Specified online price may be changed by the internet - shop unilaterally, while the price of ordered and paid for the buyer of goods can not be changed.
8.3. Full price of order value includes the value of goods, the cost of delivery.
8.4. Methods and procedure for payment of the goods listed on the website under "About us". If necessary, the procedure and terms of payment of the ordered goods are specified by the Buyer with the operator (manager) internet-shop.
8.5. The Buyer pay the order by any method selected from the online-shop.
9.1. In accordance with paragraph 4. Art. 26.1. Law of the Russian Federation № 2300-I «On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Buyer has the right to refuse to order the product at any time before the date of the Order.
9.2. Buyer shall not be entitled to refuse paid orders (or part thereof) of good quality, having certain properties individually.
9.3. In accordance with para. 2 "List of non-food products of good quality that can not be returned or exchanged for other goods similar size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998, № 55 products: Non-recurrent publications (books, brochures, albums, maps and sheet music
publications, leafy publication, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media information), referred to therein refund and exchange are not subject.
9.4. Upon receipt of goods, buyer need to examine the conditions specified in the memo, where he puts his signature on the agreement with the rules of the return and exchange of goods. Return the goods of good quality possible within 7 days of purchase, if its trade dress, consumer characteristics, and a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of this product.
9.5. In case of refusal of consumer goods, the Seller shall return to him a sum of money paid by the consumer under the agreement, excluding the cost of shipping from the seller consumer merchandise returned, not later than ten days from the date the consumer the corresponding requirement in accordance with para. 9.7.
9.6. In the case of goods of inadequate quality, the Buyer shall deliver the goods to the office of the Seller as soon as possible for the implementation of quality control of goods.
9.7. In accordance with Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation № 2300-I «On Protection of Consumers' Rights, the amount paid by the Buyer for the Goods of inadequate quality to be returned to the Buyer within 10 calendar days from the date of request. Refunds made in cash at the office of the Seller. If the product was paid by bank transfer then a refund made to the account of the Buyer within 5 working days or cash in the office in the absence of the Seller at the Buyer's settlement account.
10.1. The seller is not responsible for the misuse of the goods the buyer ordered through the Operator.
10.2. The seller entitled to assign its rights and obligations under the execution of the order to third parties.
10.3. The seller be entitled to exercise the recording of telephone conversations with the buyer. In accordance with paragraf 4, Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information" Seller agrees to: prevent unauthorized access to information and / or transfer it to persons not directly related to the execution
Orders; timely detect and prevent such facts. Telephone calls are recorded in order to monitor the activities of the Operator and quality control of order execution.
10.4. Ownership of the Order, as well as the risk of accidental loss or damage will pass to the Buyer upon receipt of goods. Seller shall not be obliged to ascertain an authority to take the goods of persons, if they are specified by the Buyer as recipients. Seller has the right to refuse delivery of the ordered goods to persons specified by the buyer, or require to confirm their authority. The buyer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by him.
10.5. All claims for improper execution of customer orders may send e-mail to: or inform the Operator. All information received is treated as soon as possible.
10.6. All disputes related to the execution of this contract shall be considered and resolved in accordance with the legislation.
10.7. The Buyer agrees to abide by the rules and conditions of use of the online store.
Buyer agrees not to take any action that may be considered:
- As a violation of Russian law or international law, including in the field of intellectual property;
- How disruptive resources or online store website;
- Implementation of unauthorized access to personalized services;
- Implementation of unauthorized access to the server and user accounts;
- Create interference to other users in the use of resources;
- Use services online store to distribute spam of any kind;
- Deliberate transmission of viruses or "hacking" Online Store or resources that violate the confidentiality of information provided by other buyers.
Buyer agrees not to copy, repeat any part of the e-shop and do not make any other actions that can be understood in this way, do not use resources for any commercial or other purposes without the consent of the administrator.
Buyer agrees that the Administration does not accept any responsibility for any postings, comments, reviews of the Buyer and shall be entitled at any time to delete the messages, comments, other materials Buyer without explanation.
Buyer has the right to appeal to the Administration of the online store website, if it believes that the actions of any other buyer violate his rights and legitimate interests, or violates the rules and regulations Shop.
11.1. The relations between the Buyer and the Seller subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
11.2. This Agreement shall come into force from the date of acceptance of this offer by the Buyer and is valid until fulfillment of obligations by the Parties.
11.3. All disputes arising in the performance of the Parties' obligations hereunder shall be resolved through negotiations. If you can not eliminate them, the Parties have the right to seek judicial protection of his interests.
11.4. Online shop reserves the right to expand the product offering and cut on site to regulate access to the purchase of any goods, as well as suspend or discontinue the sale of any goods in its sole discretion.
Site owner and author: Petrova T.V.
Website development and maintenance: Megagroupp company (St. Petersburg)
La propriété privée
Maison de l'Ange et du Diable